In part 1 I documented the ‘come hither’ fake job and the many anomalies that crop up in the conversation with the scammer. In Part 2 I detail the dialogs and T&Cs that describe the scam process.In Part 3 the scammers gets rather tetchy. Read on to see the scammer alternate between sweet nothings and cussing me out.
Any donations to the Tip Jar go towards funding scammer research
Two days later.
Gotta give her that. She’s trying to be nice.
Very “lovey dovey” right. But lets ask some tough questions and see what happens.
That tired trope. Its still your money she says, because.. its YOUR account. Perfect right ?
There ! I’ve used the STEAL word. But I’m careful to say its the company not the person I’m texting with.
Finally ! When the scammer loses it, I WIN ! And with that silence from both sides ! Three weeks later I thought I’d take another look. The site’s disappeared ! Lets find out what happened. I didn’t expect a response. But hey look..
They are relentless. Will I restart. I checked the URL she’s given me. It takes my login credentials and tells me I have 54 bucks or so. I do want to find out what happens if I give them money to top up the account so that I can seemingly complete tasks. Will they let me withdraw ? If the Tip Jar get the 47 bucks or so I definitely will. Otherwise ? Maybe my curiosity will get the better of my instinct to never lose money.
And that’s where it stands. TO BE CONTINUED….
Any donations to the Tip Jar go towards funding scammer research.